In today's world every body talks about love, love, love.
Lets say its the talk of the town.
People fall in and out of love the way they like, they don't think about the effects how it favors and UN-favor their life's. But
today you will see what people have said about love its loss and gain and what
i have seen and am saying about it [Love].
Love have been define and seen in many ways and as it is
seen in many ways it is also practice in many ways according to ones
But am going to be talking about the love that exist
between two lovers.
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary.
i. Love is a strong affection for another arising out of
kinship or personal ties.
ii. An attraction based on sexual desire.
iii. An affection based on benevolence.
iv. A brotherly concern for one another.
v. An attraction and tenderness felt by lovers.
So from all the definitions of love listed above i see it
from another angel but relating to the last definition. Here is it.
* Love is an affection or a feeling that can not and can
never be explain or expressed in full.
Based on the last definition i have given i will like
prove myself. Mainly we don't have to love for something if you have ever said
the three magical words to a person of the opposite sex before, she ask why you
feel you love her. Now if why we love can be explained e.g your answer will be
"i love because of your voice" so if the voice is gone the love is
gone, or because of her hair, eyes, parents, family, character or background so
if any of this is not there the love is gone as well. Never neglect the saying
that the only constant thing in life is change. So anything that is maintained
today may fade tomorrow.
So love in anyway cant be explain you love for no reason
never give a reason for your love.
Already thinking why there is business in my write up. Is
love a business? yes to how you see it, and its only in business we run loss
and sometimes we gain check out today's world people suffer heart break as a
result of love and in the other hands it favors other. The loss will tell youths necessary things one will lose when in love.
There is only one thing i know one can stand to loss when
in love, here in the business one lose "EVERYTHING". When in love we
lose all that matters to us, we forget them and sacrifice all we have in the
business just to fit in to the game.
I talked about the loss in the business of love now its
time i talk about the gains as i already said its in business we run loss and
gain. Now the question should be "i loss everything what am i going to
gain to amount all that i have lost?
Now i tell you as you lose all or everything to love you
as well gain everything "IF YOU HAVE REALLY FOUND LOVE" Because the
love you sacrificed for will in turn walk for you and will in turn bring back
your losses and turn them into gain. My realization about love.
If you are in love to the extent you prefer to die to
spear the one you love it will come back remember the law of motion."what
goes up must surely come down".
After everything now we know that love drives, before
falling in lone know whom, how, and when to fall. Its necessary, work for love,
give for love, build the real base of love catch your strength in love. Are you
married or single feeling depressed rise up understand love and make it work
for you.
Why don't you try now knowing as much you need to know
about love, i believe that nonworking relationship will start to work.