When a number of students were asked "what do you
worry about most" 51 percent said, "Grades".
Little wonder that school grades are major source of
anxiety among youths. Grades can mean the difference between graduating and
being left behind.
Too much concern about grades, however, can create
paralyzing stresses and ignite fierce competition. It is thus important that
you view grades, not as an end in themselves, but as a means of gauging your
progress at school.
So, to make that mind blowing GP in the university, walk
with me as i highlights some of the key factors. Before we unveil them can i
tell you dear, one thing is for you to know the secret another thing is for you
to apply it.
Even the brightest students can sometimes find themselves
academically under-performing, often times its not their fault. When students
find themselves in this situations, its often because they are stuck in a rut
and are not sure what to do to improve. If this sounds like you , the first
step is to work out the reasons why you may be under-performing, and the next
step is to work out how to tackle the problem. if you are not sure how to go
about it, this article can be of help.
How, though, can you archive grades that reflects your
1. Ask questions :Questions
go a long way in helping students, teachers themselves are happy you are interested in what you are learning. Most can even have dedicated hours when you
can go to them to ask them questions.
2. Explore the benefits of past questions : Past questions on every course are often a very good
starting point to know your lecturers. Most lazy lectures often repeat past
questions before the exam time you know what that mean. On this you have
adequate knowledge on the best approach for each exam.
3. Start a study group :If you find it difficult or boring to study alone, it
might be a good idea to find a small group of friends you study with.
Temptation of social media will be less while studying in group.
4. Understand your body system :Most people read and understand more at night when every
where is silent, but that does not mean midnight is the only time you read and
understand. Learn your body system know when you read and understand best.
5. Talk to your teachers :As your parents know you, your teachers know you as
much, talk to them when you are drawing a plan of action in improving your
grades. Ask them where they think you need to improve more they will surely
have some advice for you.
6. Do the extra's :In
some courses, there are special, end-of-the-semester activities that can
improve your grades. Take advantage of review sessions. Even a little grade
development can push you to hump.
7. Make a study schedule :You can have a table for the month, but you need a
weekly study schedule, too. Map out your week to see when your studying can and
should get done.
8. Study effectively :Wasting nights pouring over books and emerging feeling
like you've gotten nothing out of it is just about the worst.
The right approach to everything as said earlier is the
right application. Apply them and see how fast your grades will move make a
step today. "I DARE YOU".